Sponsorship Levels

We welcome your SUPPORT for North Idaho’s BRUCE FEST Annual Festival Honoring the Birthday of Robert the Bruce King of Scotland and a walk through the Scottish Heritage. There are 3 ways to support this Annual Event – Sponsor – Volunteer – Donate –

  • main Stage banner display opportunity – (Sponsor must supply the banner, we have a partnership with a local producer for design, production, and amazing purchase price)
  • recognition in the event program
  • a corporate link on The Bruce Festival website for a year
  • six entry tickets into The Bruce Festival
  • main Stage banner display opportunity (Sponsor must supply the banner, we have a partnership with a local producer for design, production, and affordable purchase price)
  • recognition in the event program
  • a corporate link on The Bruce Festival website for a year
  • four entry tickets into The Bruce Festival
  • recognition in the event program
  • a corporate link on The Bruce Festival website for a year
  • three entry tickets into The Bruce Festival
  • recognition in the Event program
  • two entry tickets into The Bruce Festival
  • a sponsorship involving a discount or special rate for your business/service available exclusively to attendees
  • recognition in the event program
  • a corporate link on The Bruce Festival website for a year.

Sponsor the Festival Here

We value all Sponsorship Levels for the Bruce Festival and want to thank each and every one who helps make this event possible.

  • We will be hosting a raffle hourly with a grand prize drawing at the finale for the event.
  • Sponsoring by donating an item to the raffle will give you recognition at the hourly drawing as well as an acknowledgment during the finale drawing.
  • The Grand Prize drawing sponsor will receive recognition and mention at each hourly drawing with special acknowledgment at the finale drawing. They will also have their contribution recognized on the website for a year.


Have any questions? We are always open to talk about our festival, new ideas, creative opportunities and how we can help you.

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