
Scotland Gallery

Here are a few pictures taken in Scotland on the trip in 2024 in search for our heritage and ancestors.

This is Edinburgh Castle.

 “the Bruce” in stone at the top of the tower of the front of the Dunfirmline Abbey. His name was placed upon this tower in the year 1818 only “after” having discovered his lost tomb upon the rebuilding of this section of the thousand-year-old Abbey church.

 King Roberts tomb stone design in the year 1818. Located at the high altar of the Abbey church.

Melrose Abbey, where king Roberts heart is buried. “Brave heart” more details to come on this I promise.

The old Kirk. Built in 1072. This is the part that did not fall down and has withstood nearly exactly 1000 years.

Another photo of Melrose Abbey at sunrise on June 5. I was out walking around about 5 AM when I took the photos of this Abbey. 

Saint Brides church, Douglas Scotland. The burial site of the most trusted and loyal friend and confidant of Robert the Bruce , the “Good Sir James Douglas” Also in this photo at Saint Brides church, is the oldest clock in Scotland donated by Mary Queen of Scots.

 Inside of Stirling Castle with lovely narrator.

A view of Stirling castle and cannons at the outer wall.

Scotsman narrating history of the castle, note the bullet holes in the Stonewall by his head…


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